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It is Ryuuichi's 16th birthday, and Kotaro is very eager to make his brother happy on this special day.

Long Summary[]


Kotaro wakes up Ryuu and wishes him happy birthday.

The cicadas are chirping on the morning of June 30th, which is Ryuu's birthday. Even though it is hot, Kotaro and Ryuu sleep close to each other, making them both sweaty. Ryuu wakes up sweaty and with Kotaro sitting on his chest. Kotaro hugs him tightly while Ryuu thinks about how hot the room is. Kotaro then wishes his brother a happy birthday, which makes Ryuu smile and pat his head. Kotaro says he will get clothes, which Ryuu interprets as Kotaro wanting to get his own clothes. Kotaro takes the blanket and attempts to wipe Ryuu's sweat, and tells him that he will get his brother's clothes as well. Ryuu wonders if Kotaro is choosing his clothes and trying to take care of him because it is his birthday. Kotaro brings out all plaid clothes, which makes Ryuu flustered. He asks Kotaro if he can choose his own clothes instead, making Kotaro depressed and causing Ryuu to give in. Kotaro then tells his brother that he will help him change into his clothes. Again, Ryuu says that he can do it himself, but Kotaro looks depressed. Kotaro spends ten minutes attempting to button Ryuu's shirt together, so Ryuu hugs Kotaro, saying that he is very happy that he wished him happy birthday. He suggests that Kotaro can practice buttoning buttons some other time.


Kotaro is disappointed when the chairwoman does not hug Ryuu.

The chairwoman is shocked to see Ryuu and Kotaro wearing all-plaid and asks Ryuu why he is dressed like some old idol. Saikawa explains that he and Kotaro discussed how to celebrate for Ryuu's birthday and holds out a breakfast to dinner menu as a birthday gift; he also notes that he will be making a cake. Kotaro tells the chairwoman to wish Ryuu a happy birthday, which she does, but Kotaro looks disappointed, explaining that she also has to hug him. The chairwoman refuses, but Saikawa opens his arms and hugs Ryuu. After breakfast, Kotaro starts telling everyone he meets, even strangers, about Ryuu's birthday, and they all give him birthday wishes.


Everyone hugs Ryuu as per Kotaro's request.

Ryuu tells Usaida about the embarrassing moments, and Kotaro tells Usaida to hug Ryuu as well. Ryuu says that there is not need for more hugs, which makes Kotaro disappointed. Taka and Kirin eagerly hug Ryuu when they enter the room. Kotaro informs their mothers that they need to wish Ryuu happy birthday and hug him. Ryuu becomes flustered and says that he is already happy with his brother's hug, so he does not need anymore. Taka and Kirin start to tear up, thinking that Ryuu was not happy when they said happy birthday to him. Ryuu quickly says that his happiness was as big as the universe. Their mothers look upset and claim that because they are old women, their birthday wishes do not make Ryuu happy. Yayoi hugs Ryuu and thanks him for taking care of Kirin during the weekdays. Shizuka hugs Ryuu and thanks him for getting along with both of her sons. Usaida then hugs Ryuu from behind, and all the children jump on Ryuu.


Inomata shakes Ryuu's hand.

Usaida contacts Hayato to come over with a cake and invites Inomata and Ushimaru over as well. Kotaro starts walking over to go get them, but Ryuu pulls him back, saying that is unnecessary. Hayato, Inomata, and Ushimaru all arrive, and Kotaro immediately says that they need to hug Ryuu. Hayato hugs him and wishes him a happy birthday. Inomata shakes Ryuu's hand as she contemplates that this is her first time wishing happy birthday to a classmate. Ushimaru blushes and refrains from touching Ryuu, although she does meekly wish him happy birthday. Taka and Kirin fight over who will blow the candles, while Hayato strikes a match. Ryuu, Taka, and Kirin blow the candles together as Usaida films them.


Ryuu feels the warmth of his parents as the chairwoman hugs him.

At home, Saikawa brings forth a 3-tiered cake, causing the chairwoman to scold him for going overboard. After eating the cake, Kotaro starts to fall asleep, so the chairwoman tells the two to go shower. Ryuu offers to help clean up, but the chairwoman refuses. She asks if he was happy today, and Ryuu explains that few people tell him happy birthday since his birthday is during the summer. His mom and dad would celebrate with him, but now, they are not here. However, thanks to Kotaro, he was able to receive many birthday wishes and is happy despite feeling a little embarrassed. The chairwoman then hugs Ryuu and tells him that his parents would be pleased if he grew up to be nice and healthy, so her hug represents three different people. Ryuu starts to tear up and thanks the chairwoman for her hug and Kotaro for filling his birthday with bliss and happiness.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

